The 7 Chakras

Chakras are the nerve junctions between the tailbone and crown of humans. Translated, chakra means a wheel or a wheel, whereby the wheel should not be too tight, but also should not be too loose. When these wheels are in balance, the body and mind function in a positive flow. All chakras are connected to the soul and represent a quality of the human being. The chakras are often depicted as a lotus flower, because the energy is located in the lower chakra and is passed through the channels to the crown chakra. Awareness, education and self-development promote the opening of the chakras.

Muladhara – root chakra

The first chakra is the root chakra and represents the connection with the earth. The red color symbolizes the connection with the earth and stands for passion, energy and warmth. Close to the tailbone, in our pelvic floor, the first chakra is located and thus lies at our roots. As a result, the earthly and earthly connection with man is intertwined. This root chakra represents the grounding in our lives. Muladhara has to do with the bones, organs and muscles and forms the basis of the body. When this chakra is unfolded, there is a sense of security and grounding, which can result in security and confidence.

Svadhistana – sacral chakra

The second chakra is the sacral chakra and stands for inspiration and enjoyment. The chakra is located at the level of the sacrum and is connected to the bladder, genitals and kidneys. Creativity, expressing emotions and maintaining relationships are related to the sacral chakra. The term Just go with the flow is part of this. Changing perspective and seeing the beauty in the little things are the hallmarks of the chakra. The chakra represents gratitude and joy for the things in life that bring us joy. The orange color symbolizes the positive attitude and is said to cleanse the soul from negativity

Manipura – solar plexus/navel chakra

The third chakra represents taking responsibility and self-esteem. Taking risks, energy, happiness, joy and self-confidence are keywords that fit this chakra. Charisma and leadership are also regularly mentioned in relation to this chakra. The navel is also referred to as the point of energy storage and is connected to the stomach, liver, small intestine and spleen. The navel chakra influences digestion. The yellow color represents the inner energy and putting yourself first.

Anahata – heart chakra

The fourth chakra represents passion, trust, love for yourself and others. This chakra is located at the heart and stands for unconditional love. The green color reflects a good feeling and security. The breathing, circulation and the heart show the (dis)balance of this chakra. Loving the other, nature and all matter around you are central. Emotional intelligence and self-esteem are important values ​​at the heart chakra. In addition, your own strength and the realization of your ideals are connected with this fourth chakra. The previously mentioned chakras are connected through the heart chakra to the top three chakras. Because of this, human instincts are linked to human consciousness.

Vishuddha – throat chakra

The fifth chakra is the throat chakra. This stands for communication, expression and explanation. Truth, education and conviction are the keywords that fit the fifth chakra. The chakra provides connection with yourself and others. The chakra is located near the cervical vertebrae and the thyroid gland. It is important that you as a person let yourself be heard. This can be done through singing, speech and sounds. The bright blue color stands for expression of yourself.

Ajna – third eye

The sixth chakra is also called the third eye. The chakra represents the intuition within yourself, concentration and awareness. Ajna is translated "knowing." This means that conscience has a greater influence in the life of a person and the choices he/she makes. Consciousness with the influence of one's own intuition provides the connection with the spiritual non-terrestrial world. Intelligence and self-knowledge belong to the sixth chakra. When this chakra is not in balance, one can act selfishly or experience fears. The balance of the third eye would provide a feeling of freedom.

Sahasrara – crown chakra

The seventh chakra represents connection with the cosmic world. The color is white/violet and the symbol is a lotus flower. Enlightenment and the spiritual power provide a higher degree of consciousness. Peace, balance and harmony create a life full of happiness and ensure the development of the great soul. The chakra is located in the crown and allows the energy to flow throughout your body. Unity, energy and optimal self-development are the core values ​​at the crown chakra

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